About Us

About Us: The CAPB Story

CAPB LLC was formed by Alexandre Haussmann, a CNE (Certified Network Engineer), with years of experience developing Network Infrastructure Environments. 

Mr. Haussmann decided that the Digital World we exist in should be available to businesses and consumers of all sizes, focusing resources into a market that is all too neglected when it comes to Technology Service, individuals and small-medium-sized businesses.

Smaller Businesses


Troubled by the lack of enterprise level support for smaller businesses, he leveraged his corporate experience and created a new pricing model to fit small to medium-sized businesses effectively. Years of dedication have culminated into a comprehensive platform of services available for any level of demand, through transparent pricing and lack of exploitative service contracts.




Virtual CIO Providers

CAPB LLC provides small and medium-sized businesses with the same technological prowess as a large corporation, which is required to thrive in this increasingly digital world.

CAPB LLC has hand-picked, certified staff technicians and mentors who are dedicated to minding the latest technological trends in order to provide the best possible service in the constantly changing space of IT Infrastructure.


Same technological prowess as a large corporation


Key IT infrastructure

CAPBSecurity, cyber security


Founded by Alexandre Haussmann, CAPB LLC has been servicing individuals, as well as small to medium-sized businesses for years and most of our original clients still work with us to this day.


(212) 655-9256

New York, NY